Professor of Finance
Jamshid Mehran
PhD, University of Arkansas, 1983;
MS, University of Arkansas, 1979;
MBA, Central State University, 1976
Prior to coming to IU South Bend, Dr. Mehran taught corporate finance and investment courses at the University of North Dakota and Western Michigan University . He has served as an Auditor, Accounting Supervisor, and Financial Analyst for various firms. He is a member of the Financial Management Association, the Academy of Finance , the Midwest Business Administration Association, and the Global Finance Association. He has served as Program Chair, President elect and President of the Academy of Finance . Also, he is the Past President of ISA. He has served as a member of the Advisory Council of the Midwest Business Administration Association and a program committee member of the Global Finance Association. His current research interests include: mergers, capital structure of the firm and housing performances.