Dr. Mohammad I. Merhi is a Professor of Decision Sciences and has been the Coordinator of Graduate Programs and Assessment/Associate Dean at the Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics at IU South Bend (IUSB) since 2023. Previously, he held the position of Department Chair for four years. Before joining IUSB, Dr. Merhi gained valuable experience as an instructor, research assistant, and assistant instructor in the Department of Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods at both the University of Texas Pan-American and Emporia State University. He also has industry experience, having worked as an assistant manager and systems analyst at Amwaj Lebanon Company in Lebanon.
Dr. Merhi’s research has been published in several leading journals including the International Journal of Information Management, Information Systems Frontiers, International Journal of Production Research, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Global Information Management, and Computers & Education. He has also presented his research at leading international and national conferences and workshops including, the International Conference on Information Systems, Americas Conference on Information Systems, and Decision Sciences Institute.
Dr. Merhi has served as Conference Co-Chair, Program Co-Chair of conferences, Track Chair, and Mini-Track Chair at several leading international and national conferences. He has served as editor-in-chief, editorial board member of journals, and reviewer for several journals. He has also served as editor of special issues.
His research interests include:
- Information security management
- Big data effectiveness
- Health information technologies
- Artificial Intelligence Implementation
- E-government implementation (at the macro/global level)
- E-commerce (at the macro/global level)
- IS cross-cultural studies
Selected published articles
- Merhi, M.I., and Harfouche, A. Enablers of Artificial Intelligence Adoption and Implementation in Production Systems. International Journal of Production Research (available online as pre-press)
- Merhi, M.I. An Assessment of the Barriers Impacting Responsible Artificial Intelligence. Information Systems Frontiers (available online as pre-press: https://rdcu.be/cLNcT).
- Merhi, M.I. (2023). An Evaluation of the Critical Success Factors Impacting Artificial Intelligence Implementation. International Journal of Information Management, 69, 102545.
- Alshare, K., Moqbel, M., and Merhi, M.I. (2023). The double-edged sword of social media usage during the COVID-19 pandemic: Demographical and cultural analyses. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 36(1), 197-220
- Merhi, M.I. (2021). Evaluating Critical Success Factors of Data Intelligence Implementation in Public Sector using Analytical Hierarchy Process. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173, 121180
- Ahluwalia, P. and Merhi, M.I. (2020). Understanding Country Level Adoption of E-Commerce: A Theoretical Model Including Technological, Institutional, and Cultural Factors. Journal of Global Information Management, 28(1), 1-22.
- Merhi, M.I. and Ahluwalia, P. (2019). Examining the Impact of Deterrence Factors and Norms on Resistance to Information Security. Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 37-46.
- Merhi, M.I. (2016). Towards a Framework for Online Game Adoption. Computers in Human Behavior, 60, 253-263.
- Merhi, M.I. (2015). Factors Influencing Students to Adopt Podcast: An Empirical Study. Computers & Education, 83, 32-43.
Selected Research Grants
- IU Faculty Research Grant in the amount of $8500. IU South Bend: 2023
- Judd Leighton School of Business Faculty Development Research Grant in the amount of $2000. IU South Bend: 2022
- IU Faculty Research Grant in the amount of $8500. IU South Bend: 2021
- IU Faculty Research Grant in the amount of $8500. IU South Bend: 2020
- IU Faculty Research Grant in the amount of $8500. IU South Bend: 2018
- Judd Leighton School of Business Faculty Development Research Grant in the amount of $2000. IU South Bend: 2018
- Summer Research Grant from Judd Leighton School of Business in the amount of $5000. IU South Bend: 2017
- Judd Leighton School of Business Faculty Development Research Grant in the amount of $2000. IU South Bend: 2017
- Judd Leighton School of Business Faculty Development Research Grant in the amount of $1000. IU South Bend: 2016
- Summer Research Grant from Judd Leighton School of Business in the amount of $5000. IU South Bend: 2016
- IU Faculty Research Grant in the amount of $8500. IU South Bend: 2015
- Summer Research Grant from Judd Leighton School of Business in the amount of $5000. IU South Bend: 2015
- Scholarly Activity Start-up funds. IU South Bend $1000: 2015
- Judd Leighton School of Business Faculty Development Research Grant in the amount of $1000. IU South Bend: 2015
Teaching Interests
- Information Security Management
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Database Management
- IT Project Management
- Data Analytics and Modeling
- Research Methods
Courses Taught at IU South Bend
- BUS-K201: The Computer in Business
- INFO-I303: Organizational Informatics
- BUS-S307: Database Management
- BUS-S310: Systems Analysis and Project Management
- BUS-K321: Management of Information Technology
- BUS-K353: Business Analytics and Data Modeling
- BUS-S433: Information Systems Security
- BUS-S435: Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence
- ECON-E470: Intro to Econometrics
- BUS-X481: Undergraduate Internship in Business
- BUS-K520: Business Process Reengineering
- BUS-K521: Systems Design and Implementation
- BUS-K515: Electronic Commerce
- BUSB-D505: Business Analytics I
- BUSB-D506: Business Analytics II
Study Abroad to Athens Greece (July 07- August 05, 2019)
- BUS-B 399: Business and Society
Selected Teaching Grants
- Open Educational Resource Grant in the amount of $3000 for developing “Critical Thinking Scenarios and Problems for Analytics and Excel.” IU South Bend: 2019
- Curriculum Development Grant in the amount of $3000 for resigned BUS-K201: Computers in Business. IU South Bend: 2019
- Online Education Course Development Grant in the amount of $3000 for developing an online section of BUS-K201 Computers in Business. The University Center for Excellence in Teaching, IU South Bend: 2019
- SEED (Software and Equipment for Engagement and Discovery) Grant from the University Center for Excellence in Teaching, IU South Bend: 2018
- Curriculum Development Grant in the amount of $3000 for developing BUS-K353: Business Analytics and Data Modeling. IU South Bend: 2017
Selected Service-Profession
- Conference Co-Chair of a joint conference: Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MICS 2023) and Middle East & North Africa Conference for Information Systems (MENACIS 2023), Madrid, Spain.
- Conference Program Chair, ICTO2023 Ethical & Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Societies, Paris, France
- Conference Program Chair, the Middle East & North Africa Conference for Information Systems, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Guest Editor of Special Issue: “Sustainable Development Through Technological Innovations and Data Analytics” in Information Systems Frontiers
- Editorial Board Member, Special Issue: Digital Innovation for Social Development and Environmental Action in Communications of the Association for Information Systems
- Program Committee Member-Conference, The 21st IFIP Conference e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society
- Program Committee Member-Conference, The 20th IFIP Conference e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society
- Elected Treasurer, Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society
Selected Service-University
- Vice President of the Academic Senate (2023 – 2024)
- Member at Large of the Academic Senate Executive Committee (2023 – 2024)
- Vice President of the Academic Senate (2021 – 2022)
- Member, Senate Information Technology Committee (2021 – 2022)
- Chair, Senate Information Technology Committee (2020 – 2021)
- Officer, Executive Committee (2019 – 2020)
- Secretary of the Academic Senate (2019 – 2020)
Selected Awards:
- IUSB Distinguished Research Award
- Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) Innovate Award- Creative Uses of Online Tools, IU, 2022
- AIS Award for Innovation in Teaching, 2021
- Faculty Academy for Excellence in Teaching (FACET): 2020
- Excellence in Online Teaching Award: 2020
- Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award: 2019
- Educator of the Year, IU South Bend: 2018
- Mosaic Faculty Fellow, Indiana University: 2017-2018
- SGA/Student Life Organization Advisor of the Year Award, IU South Bend: 2018
- Students’ Organization of the Year Award, IU South Bend: 2018
- Trustee Teaching Award, IU South Bend: 2017, 2020
- Nominated for the SGA/Student Life Educator of the Year Award: 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023.
- Research Excellence Award, IU South Bend: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
- Teaching Excellence Award, IU South Bend: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
- Service Excellence Award, IU South Bend: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
- Earned a Bronze Badge from the University Center for Excellence in Teaching by participating in the Active Learning Institute at IU South Bend: 2015
- Earned a Bronze Badge from the University Center for Excellence in Teaching by participating in the Course Design Institute at IU South Bend: 2015